Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Celebrating 26 Years In Vietnam

Yesterday I celebrated my 26th birthday in Vietnam. Reflecting back on yesterday's events, I can say that my friends here truly went above and beyond to ensure that my birthday here was extra special. My translator and her mother made me a birthday cake, I ate some of my favorite Vietnamese food at a local restaurant and sang the night away at a Vietnamese kareoke joint. Not to mention the beautiful flowers and presents I received from my friends.

While ringing in my 26th year here definitely makes me miss being with those I care about most at home, last night, as I was surrounded by my newfound Vietnamese friends of a couple months, I could't help but feel incredibly blessed and fortunate to have developed such great connections in the short time since I've been in Hue.

I can only wait to see what unfolds in the coming weeks and months as my friendships deepend and I continue to meet new people.


  1. Wow Sarah, what great friends and beautiful flowers! I'm glad you had an awesome birthday! :D

  2. Happy Birthday Grey! Ty and I went to Busch Gardens to celebrate and I kept thinking of you. Miss you so much. Glad you had a good birthday - those flowers are beautiful!

  3. Stacey and Olivia -- I miss you both alot and our regular girls' nights together.

    Kara -- I miss our good talks. I hope everything is going well on your end. Keep me posted on the job and everything. I'm so sorry that my "technology challenges" has made keeping in touch lately much more difficult.
