Saturday, January 9, 2010

Tomorrow Is The Day!

So, tomorrow morning bright and early is the first official day of my Vietnam adventure!

I am getting up at the crack of dawn (or more like WAY before the sun comes up!) to begin my journey to Hanoi, Vietnam. I will be traveling from Orlando to Newark, Newark to Beijing (14 hour flight!) and then finally from Beijing to Hanoi (another 5.5 hour flight!). I will finally land in Hanoi at 10:00 pm Monday night.

While it is definitely hard to believe that the day has finally arrived and that I am actually getting onto the plane tomorrow, I am so excited to see what my life will be like in Vietnam after I have spent several months just dreaming about it.

Thank you all for your incredible support and encouragement! I feel so blessed to have such a great network of family and friends.

I will plan to post later on this week once I arrive in Hanoi for my in country training. Thanks for coming along for the journey by way of this blog.


  1. I'm so excited for you, I can't wait to hear how everything is going. We're thinking and praying for you Grey!!!

  2. Wow, that is so awesome that you are able to work in Vietnam! I noticed you posted on my facebook wall recently and I was going to invite you to a men's arena lacrosse game. I went to one last week and thought of you. But I see you won;t be around for some time. I hope you have great experiences and eat some delicious Vietnamese food! I sometimes wish I had the guts to just pick up and go like that! what an adventure! Keep in touch!-Justina

  3. Hey Justina -- thanks for the comment. It is great to hear from you. Yes, I would love to go to a lacrosse game, but I guess I will have to take a rain check on that until next year :) You are always welcome to come over here and visit me if you would like a little adventure -- open invitation! Hope things are going well for you in Florida.

    Olivia -- thanks for the comment! I appreciate your prayers and support. I miss you guys!
